
Pay for the full program up-front, or in monthly installments.

Do you have questions or need a guide?

Evolving Organisation is available to answer questions about the Holacracy v5.0 Adoption Program, and offers a cohort-based Coach-Led version of the course. To get more information, fill out this form and they’ll get back to you soon.


  • Can I share my course access with my colleagues?

    Yes! Course purchases of the Holacracy v5.0 Adoption Program and its modules include access for a full team or organization of up to 20 people. Email [email protected] after enrolling to add additional users.

  • How much content is included with this course?

    Each module of the Holacracy v5.0 Adoption Program has 1-2 hours of on-demand videos, downloadable resources and templates, homework instructions, and pre-built surveys to help you assess your progress.

  • In what order should these courses be completed?

    We recommend starting with the Article 1: Organizational Structure module, which provides the foundations for other modules, but further modules can be adopted in any order and are optional.

  • How long will this program take?

    Modules can be taken at your own pace. We suggest allowing three months for the Article 1: Organizational Structure module, and one month for each remaining module.